Friday, June 29, 2012

It was a positive and motivating meeting with city staff, Councillor Palacio, and a large group of the Friends of Roseneath Park on Wednesday evening!  A big thank you to Irene and Antonio for bringing pizza.

Here’s what we talked about in a nutshell:

·         Councillor Palacio will support our efforts to improve the park playground and build a community garden.  A petition will be circulated to drum up greater support and bring Roseneath Park nearer to the top of the priority list.

·         A community garden can be built in the near future; a new playground and any other design changes would be a more expensive and, therefore, long term project.

·         Timelines and funding are yet to be determined.  We will have to do some fundraising as a start since there are no funds immediately available.  The coucillor’s office will also do some leg work and get back to us about funding. 

·          FORP should consider adopting Charles Brereton Park on Oakwood as suggested by Councillor Palacio – to be discussed.

·         A petition will be circulated regarding installing speed bumps on Robina Avenue. 

·         For our information – there are currently no applications to redevelop the land adjacent to the park, i.e., the No Frills and parking lot. 

·         Another meeting with city staff will be scheduled in the near future, so let’s discuss the next steps!

Our next Monday Meet Up is on July 9 at 6:30 p.m.  It’ll be a great time to talk about our impressions, questions, and hopes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! That is the park directly beside Rawlinson Community School correct? I am very familiar with that parkette because as a former Rawlinson student I used to have lunch out there on the park benches all the time. It was such a nice place to hang out and play Frisbee on a pretty day as well as eat lunch. I believe the students of that school and the community would greatly appreciate your support and kindness. I was apart of the mosaic making and have seen the transformation with the flowers and the toys at Roseneith Park. I think that flowers and love and funding is exactly what Charles Brereton Park needs. Once again as a resident of the area I greatly appreciate your kindness it is really making a difference around here.
